今日git revertを使っていて、少しわかりづらかったのでメモ。実はこのこと昔に書いていたんだよね。http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shiba_yu36/20100221/1266680669
git revert (コミット名)
しかし、git revertには-nオプションというものがあり、これを使えば複数コミットを巻き戻すコミットを作れます。-nオプションのヘルプを見ると
- n, --no-commit
Usually the command automatically creates a commit with a commit log message stating which commit was reverted. This flag applies the change necessary to revert the named commit to your working tree and the index, but does not make the commit. In addition, when this option is used, your index does not have to match the HEAD commit. The revert is done against the beginning state of your index.
git revert -n (コミット名) git revert -n (コミット名) git revert -n (コミット名) git commit